What is in Tao
/When we look around the world, we admire the miracles and wonders of nature. Countless things change and ove simultaneously every second, and yet in order and in harmony. So do our bodies. Countless biochemical reactions and physical functions occur concurrently whithin our bodies. Without learning and thinking that come subjectively, the thousand of activities that happen within us are the extension and actions of the Dao, and all together. It is one single self. It functions naturally and automatically without the need for our intents to be involved. This is the effect of Dao within us. Dao is not only in control of the universe and nature, but also in charge of every human being his/her own actions. In other words, it is the same source that governs us as well as everything else. Dao is invisible and intangible, but has been working out its magicx before day one. Thereafter languages, cultures, religious, scriptures, literature and civilization were developed. They all originate from Dao functioning within us. People do not realize it is Dao that has been residing and working within us and have used the “Soul” to represent the confusing and yet irrefutable being. Because it is eternal and intangible, we also call it “True Self”. This true self is the mos abundant, brilliant and imperishable being.