
Through the ages there has been Prohets, teachers and great Masters who tried to make us know and understand the origin and truth of life through various teachings. They went through great extend and suffering doing so. Valuable texts and commandments were thought to students and followers so they could learn to deferantiate between goodness and badness. These teachings varied, based on differences in culture, baground, timming and the level of comprehension in the regions. They all tried to express to their descendents the wisdom, power and will of this source of the universe, God or what we call Tao.

Tao is the Center of all religions, it embraces the essence of all the preaching and teachings and yet it is superior to the system of belief. It is the nature of the universe itself and the Origin of Human existence. Tao or God represent the highest authority and power in Nature or Universe.

Tao is extremely profound and marvelous, it cannot be completely expressed by any words or languages. It is not recorded on any scriptures or sutras. It cannot be described completely by preaching nor can it be acquired by human intelligence, nor derived from knowledge or experience, nor achieved from gifted talents. Because all the above mentioned has to be created and can be eliminated, which means that they cannot last forever. They all bear partiality and cannot be applied universally.They cannot surpass life cycles nor can they achieve Eternity.

The wonder of the effects of the Omnipotence of Tao is beyond words. It is the wisdom that does not come from learning but from the source of life itself God. It is our True and inmortal nature, The Spirit of our Creator.

Understanding Tao allows us to discover and communicate whith the Source our Creater, Tao.

Tao existed before the formation of all yet it was not anterior, which means that the creation was embedded in it. Tao merges into creation yet it is not posterior, which means that it is not thereafter limited.

Among those created, however large, they can be measured, however small they can be detected. It is only Tao that cannot be measured of its inmensity nor detected of its existence.

Therefore it is larger than the largest and leaves nothing excluded, and yet it can be smaller than the smallest and leaves nothing inpenetrated.

It merges into and governs all. It is in charge os space, the earth, human beings, all creatures and existence. It is the source of all Scriptures, Sutras as well as Dharmas.

It is the Divine itself. We should get to know it this way and rediscover our won valuable treasure. So to practice Tao is to revive one own divine conscience as well as everyone else’s and to act upon it accordingly. Then all people can become one Spirit and all nations can be in peace like a family of nations and the great harmony can come true.

What is in Tao

When we look around the world, we admire the miracles and wonders of nature. Countless things change and ove simultaneously every second, and yet in order and in harmony. So do our bodies. Countless biochemical reactions and physical functions occur concurrently whithin our bodies. Without learning and thinking that come subjectively, the thousand of activities that happen within us are the extension and actions of the Dao, and all together. It is one single self. It functions naturally and automatically without the need for our intents to be involved. This is the effect of Dao within us. Dao is not only in control of the universe and nature, but also in charge of every human being his/her own actions. In other words, it is the same source that governs us as well as everything else. Dao is invisible and intangible, but has been working out its magicx before day one. Thereafter languages, cultures, religious, scriptures, literature and civilization were developed. They all originate from Dao functioning within us. People do not realize it is Dao that has been residing and working within us and have used the “Soul” to represent the confusing and yet irrefutable being. Because it is eternal and intangible, we also call it “True Self”. This true self is the mos abundant, brilliant and imperishable being.

Tao and you

The significance of Tao in its inmensity and ubiquity. Its Mightiness guides the universe to carry on with the changing seasons and evolving creatures. The countless aspects of the natural phenomena seem so capricious and yet really in order and in cycles. The almighty being also resides in each of us. It is the divineself, the natural quality of a person. It enables us to see, to feel, to taste, to hear, and to move without learning. While we research the ultimate truth in the universe, we should turn in upon and see into ourselfves to discover that divine self. We will find the rules that govern the universe also comply with the way we are. Tao is not something too far to reach, nor too mysterious to comprehend. Ti is nothing particular, but has to do with our daily lives. We cannot do without it. Every movement we make, in order to see, to touch, to feel and to think is associasted with Tao. Consider how many wonders are hidden in our body, how delicagte our physical functions are carried out. For example, when we shake hands, the components involved would include the coordination of joints and muscles, the chemical reactions of energy, the transmission of information through nerve system and the actions occurring in our brain such as issuing orders, making judgements and analyzing situations. Even with the most advanced technology and the highest level of knowledge we have developed today, we cannot completely reconstruct such function. Yet the ability to perform such a simple movement is there for all indivuals, regardless of the level of a person’s knowledge and his/her being grown-up or a baby, a scholar or an illiterate. These are the kind of abilities we come equipped with naturally without learning and being thaught. It is within us and is in charge of all. It is Tao, never diminishes or inflates. Wordly knowledge acquired through learning can be forgotten. A gymnast can abandon his/her techniques and a musician can lose his/her skils without practicing. The essence of Dao and its extension are always in charge of the macro-universe – the nature, and the micro-universe- the human being’s self. We are associated with it unconsciously since the first day. Because it ecompasses the whole nature whithin us. Some also call it native self. Tao is within and surrounding us. It needs not to be worshipped nor debated over. In receiving Tao, we not only find the origin of the universe, but also the dinve self. By putting it into practice we get to know the highest power in the universe as well as the genuine nature in charge of self. We discover the ultimate truth of the cosmos as well as the integrity of ourselfvesd. Recognizing that the laws of nature which govern the universe also govern us makes us be able to return to our true nature.


The Enlightment of the Tao is superior to studying thousands of sutras. This is the value of Tao. The enlightment of Dao opens the Main Gate, the front door, which is the entrance to heaven. It gives us the guarantee to be exempted from rebirth cycles and to reach eternity. Transcendence leads to being imperishable, Tao never deteriorates, it is the direct way to Heaven.

What do I get when receiving Tao

By receiving Tao we act uopon our conscience, gain more wisdom and find the door to heaven. In addition to these basics we also benefit from the following oiur lifetime. We can also put an end to suffering and sloser to true Hapiness.

The troubles and worries we face in our daily lilves mostly result from our disregard iof the true self. Receiving Tao helps us recognize the Tao that has been dwelling in us and to restore the beauty of the True Self, so that our behavior and mind is free from being controlled by the Subconscious old program, earthly pleasures, losses and gains of the material world. Our fortune can be altered from bad to bright and we can obtain real joy.